LENGTH: 52 x 11 minutes
STATUS: In Development

Free-spirited, enthusiastic and ever-hungry best buds, Joanna (aka JOEY) and STENSON are living their best lives.   They do not subscribe to the notion that youth is wasted on the young. In fact, they're loving it so much that they're planning on being caterpillars for one more year.   So what if they missed The Coccoon-ing Fest - that once in a year event where the caterpillars become butterflies?  There's always next year..  

In fact, now they’re on a mission to make the most of every single day they’re caterpillars. Whatever happens, this year is going to be epic!  Their happy-go-lucky passion can't be squashed, and there are so many things to do.  Things like searching for hidden treasure under the Wing City Donut Shop. Or trying to become the best DJs in town. And who needs to fly when you can shoot silk and swing from building to building? (Granted, their technique is less Spider-Man and more Spider-Splat!)  Each episode, our pals find adventure roaming the city, hanging out at home or attending school at Flutter Academy. They are the oldest remaining caterpillars in their class – check that, the ONLY caterpillars in their class! But our loveable heroes don’t care. 

They’ll get where they’re going in their own sweet time. Just like human kids. We all grow up and mature in our own way. And that’s ok!

Grounded is a Pipsqueak Animation(USA) and Hey Daisy Moon(Scotland) Production