Andarta Pictures in France, headed by Sophie Saget has appointed Bejuba! Entertainment to represent it in the US. Andarta Pictures develops and creates high end 2D animation series. Saget wants to create classic series in 2D as she finds this form of animation extremely artistic and expressive. Her stunning animation that she has created for two of her titles, “Baidir” and “Ewilan’s Quest” has captured executives’ attentions around the globe.
“Baidir” was presented at this year’s Cartoon Forum. This 24 x 26” series which is broken into 3 series of 9 episodes, is a wide sweeping quest created in Shonen style, to tell a story about a boy Baidir, who must find his kidnapped sister, Naya. Baidir travels to another planet where he discovers that all is not well on this world, which is supposed to become the new home for the inhabitants of Earth. The quest has many twists and turns amongst them, Baidir finding out what happened to his parents. The series already has seen a successful Kickstarter campaign to fund some of the early development.
“Ewilan’s Quest” is also with Bejuba! Based on the highly successful trilogy book series of the same name by Pierre Bottero . Millions of books have been sold globally and in the US, IDW has published the graphic novels. Andarta has broken the books down into 3 series of 9 episodes and is developing the series with France Televisions.